Laser medicine


Laser procedures are currently considered to be the most effective in the fight against enlarged vessels. After one treatment, you will lose up to approximately 50 - 70% of the vessels depending on their nature. Enlarged vessels on the face arise as a result of an inborn disposition - inherited in some families, but can also occur when skin is damaged - by radiant heat, frost, or long-term use of hormonal ointments in the facial area.

Duration of treatment:
20 - 60 min.
You can go out:
Sick leave:
0 days
In 2 days
Duration of effect:
several months / years
Effects and areas of treatment
  • Expanded vessels on cheeks and around the nose
  • Angiomas (red marks) – vascular tumours
Information about the procedure and its effects

Laser treatment is used to dispose of a network of vessels on the cheeks and around the nose. The principle of treatment is so-called selective photothermolysis. A contact gel is applied to the cleaned area and then vascular lesions are treated with a laser beam. After firing the pulse, the laser beam penetrates the skin without damaging it and engulfs in the red blood dye. Contact cooling protects the surface of the treated area and allows treating all skin phototypes. The treatment is almost painless and its length depends on the area to be treated. After treatment, the skin may be slightly reddened, occasionally slightly swollen, but these concomitant symptoms will disappear in a short time.

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    Dear visitors, Cryocenter and Interklinik Poprad will be closed from December 25, 2024 to January 1, 2025.